today my day was a crap
eu fui dormir e não consigui dormir direito
i went to bed yesterday and i cant sleep
por que eu passei a noite toda pensando em muitas coisas
coz i spent all night thinking about things
eu pensei em tudo o que ja vivi e especialmente no ultimo ano
i thought about everything i lived and i thought about my past year
e o pior foi chegar a conclusão alguma
and the worst was finding no solution
pra piorar acordei e vim falar com minha mae no msn
to be worst when i woke up i turn on my computer to talk with my mom in msn
e sei la por que ela descontoua raiva toda em mim
she was mad and she argue and yelling with me and i do nothing
nem preciso dizer que isto estragou todo o meu dia
and this situation fuck with my day.
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Hello Annie,
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Take it easy... s'times she get mad... lol...but she luv us... that wht matter :) 'n I dont think that s'body can take the power 2 mess up ur day ... u'r very stressed too
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